Friday, 31 March 2017



        Relationship and Love                            Issues. 

  • Life Before/After Marriage
  • Worst Love Experience
  • Why Baby Mama
  • Love Language
  • Dating/Single
  • Right Time
  • True Love
  • My Ex.

I have being receiving a whole lot of mails,direct messages and calls from the lovers and supporters of my blog commenting on the new things they had want me to add to the platform/blog in order to make it more interactive, educative, entertaining and romantic. 

Here is the page dedicated to sharing your current love life experience or others love life experience that you've learnt from.

Feel free to share anything here but, remember to keep yourself anonymous when the information is more of privacy oriented. See the update version of it at the right side of the blog, be expecting more of love talk here.

Love is live.

                   The Diary of a Man.

I’m a bit confused and upset tonight. Truth is, I’m very worried but don’t really know what to do or say. I look at Taiwo, my wife lying down beside me sleeping peacefully. I can’t sleep; I’m disturbed; I’m really upset.

It was about 8:30am already this morning when I realised I had left behind at home my personal laptop containing an important presentation to major client at 2pm in the afternoon.

I had worked this presentation all weekend on my personal laptop with the intention of transferring with a flash drive to my official laptop before living for the office in the morning but it skipped my mind.

I called Taiwo my wife to find out if she was still at home and if she would help bring my laptop to me at my office before heading on to her office. Taiwo told me she had left home already and was almost at her office. Immediately she told me she had left home, I didn’t bother telling why I was calling, I just decided I would go back home and pick up my laptop  myself and rush back to the office, I still had enough time before 2pm anyway.

I arrived home within 15 minutes and was surprised to find Taiwo’s car till parked in the premises, Tunji our neighbour was still probably home as his car was also in the compound.

I went up straight to my apartment expecting to find Taiwo at home; I unlocked the door, went in and discovered there was no one around. This was surprise, Taiwo said she left for work, but her car was still around. As I picked up my laptop from the dining area where I had been working, I began to dial Taiwo’s line to find out why she didn’t go with her car and just then the main entrance door opened and Taiwo walked in.

She looked a bit confused and surprised but tried to stay calm, I looked at her curious and asksed what she was still doing at home, she said also forgot something and come back for it. She didn’t sound convincing. I didn’t bother, I was in a hurry anyway, I rushed out and went back to the office.

Just tonight, as I went to switch on the smaller generator to run overnight, I ran into Tawa, my landlady’s relative in the compound. She had removed some clothes from the line and was heading back inside. She greeted me with a broad smile, ‘How was work today sir?’ Tawa said. She asked, ‘fine’ I replied.

Then she dropped it. ‘Aunty Taiwo dey leave abi? ‘She no go work today sir?’Tawa said. ‘She went’ I replied. ‘No, she no go o, na she and uncle Tunji work for house today o’. Tawa affirmed with a mischievous smile on her face.

I froze, blood drained out of my face. It’s true! When I came home, Tun ji, our neighbour; my wife’s colleague at the ministry was home as well, I saw his car in the compound when I came home earlier on this morning.

 ‘Focus on your wife o’ Tawa said amidst laughter, interrupting my thoughts. She walked towards their apartment swaying her hips and singing in Yoruba to tease and make fun of me. I didn’t respond to her, I couldn’t, there was nothing to say.

 I’m here writing this diary now and wondering; why didn’t my wife go to the office today? Why didn’t she tell me she wasn’t going? She told me in the morning she was almost at her office when I called her, but I met her when I go home a few minutes later? What’s she hiding? What’s between her and Tunji, this notorious neighbour?

 Taiwo my wife hates Tawa she’s been looking for an opportunity to deal with her. I don’t want that trouble because of my landlady – I can’t afford then tension npow. If  I confront Taiwo she’d want to know who told me, if I say it’s Tawa, she would attack Tawa, the landlady would hear about it, and there might be trouble atop embarrassment and even Tunji will not be spared. It, may be too shameful for me. What should I do, how do I react?

1 comment:

  1. A question I ask a friend. In your opinion, what can you call the color of LOVE and why?


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