Tuesday, 14 March 2017

That We Are All Born Brave...

That every human being was born brave, passionate, courageous,and talented is the reality most people shy away from. In my opinion, every one was born with this great ability in them.

Remember when you were very young, nothing scared you and you fear nothing. You do things the way you feel it right, and when you face challenges you immediately fight and conquered it.

However, as time goes on things started to change, timid and fear set in as we started facing with a lot of challenges, and as we grow we started loosen it. For some, courage and passion started became things in the past, while some keep becoming brave and stronger. "The Leader".

You see, living a life of freedom requires a lot of brave attitude, in life we face lots of challenges and choices, and ability to follow the most difficult but purposeful path requires a whole lot of bravery indeed. Many have lost hope and settled for less as a result of challenges and choices in the past.

Every things requires bravery in my opinion, being a leader you must learn to take different decision when the time comes, and you must also be able to lead by example. You learn to admit mistakes in front of your followers and ready to change the situation for better, trying add to keep your team together and stand up for what is right,it all requires a brave attitude.

Note, don't expect yourself to be perfect. You are a human being not something else and human being are born to make mistakes cause that is how we learn and grow. Ability to acknowledge the fact that nobody is perfect  will help you go a long way in life, you see so many great people in the world today, the likes of Professors, Doctors, Scientist,Technologist, Theologian, Biologist, Astrologist, and so on, non of them are born perfect.

Ability to recognise what we belief and ready to stand for, something that is special inside
of us that we will like the whole world to hear about, those beautiful things are what is refers to as brave. Our purpose and actions are two important things, some people seems to misunderstand the meaning of being brave. You see,being brave is not being a tout, arm robbers or murderers because that is not your purpose in life. Your purpose in life helps you to take the right decision at the right time.

Ladies and gentlemen, learn from a lion in the jungle, send away all the negativity and embrace the outcome of being brave. Have a great day ahead.
                                            Proudly Supported By Fortunate Bread.

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