action today is the right thing not ‘some other
time’. The word ‘some other time’ is called ‘procrastination’ and it
kills people careers. It is very common today to see people with awesome
dreams not doing anything to actualise their dreams and ambitions.
Try to involve anyone in a sincere
interactions this days and you will see
them trying to confess their
feelings about their current
situation and the types of life they will prefer to live.
reality is that many people keep living their life to impress but not to
express. What do I mean by this? Many peoples action and reaction to their
current situation and circumstance. Many are not take a careful action toward
doing what they really want in life but they only accept what lives present to
them. Such people are called a
prisoner of life.
and reason with me today and look into your life as it is today. What are the
action and steps you ought to take but refuse to ? If you are to take certain
decision, would you still be with those friends that are not add any value to
your life? Who you still be in that organisation where everything is upside
down and the owner of organisation only cares about his pocket? Will you still
prefer to stay in that current abode or you will like to move into a better
apartment ? would you want to be a free fellow that can decide what to do on
he’s own without much pressure from a wicked boss?
many of us are not so courageous enough and lack the determination, consistency
and the zeal to be in constant pursuing of their dreams when things get
tough. We settle for less rather than keep trying to attain that position where our skills and
God giving talent will be useful.
most people are fund of pointing fingers
and give excuses instead of
taking responsibility for their life. We keep saying things like: If not for
country situation, had it being my parent are very rich, had it being my family
wasn't abandon me. All this excuses and others will never do us any help
instead, they’ll only make us weak and mediocre So, don’t give in to any
life, you may never acquire something great in life If you only look at the
external situation, people and circumstances as those things that can make you
or break you in life. Look inside of you , all you need to become a successful
fellow reside there.Do not belief anything can stop you in life, that is the ideology that keep
you moving despite the challenges. Getting over challenges and obstacles in life is the ability to apply
wisdom,knowledge and understanding. Everyday, you need to look at yourself as
one of those people who must create something that will make other peoples life
my opinion, their is no solution without problem and ability to solve any
problem in life is as a result of wisdom, knowledge and experience. What we
don’t know we have no control over it and poor people are poor not because
their is no resources around but they lack the will to say no to poverty and
sacrifice those things that may hinder their life from being better.
brother, never give up on your dreams, ambitions and desire, I strongly belief
in your ability and I know that you just not yet discover what you are carrying
inside of you. Belief me sincerely, you can do it.
Ladies and gentlemen, stop complaining and lamenting over the same thing in your life everyday instead, it is time to do something . If you find anything you just don’t like or find productive in your life it is time to let go of it. Stop telling everyone how cruel life has being, how economy has turn your life, how unfair people have being in your life. Channel all your strength to change everything and if you can’t solve some problems be humble enough to learn from people who has passed through the same challenges and solved it. Have a great day ahead.
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