Some of us live a very busy life. We are very busy all day.
We seems to have a lot to do to the extent that a day seems not to be enough.
From time to time we are up and doing, running after one thing or the other. We
are just very busy either with serious and productive or unserious but
entertaining matters. We don’t really care about which one is keeping us busy. We
are just belonging to group of busy people. You will be surprise at how someone
will work so much organising a party and this same person will wake up all
night to getting prepare for examination or a project. For pleasure, leisure,
adventure or progress in life, most of us are very busy.
The rule of life is that when you are busy all day saying
that you are doing certain things, you should
have something to show for it. Unfortunately, being busy is not being productive so you can be very busy and yet have nothing to show for it. You may be very busy and still broke, backward and regressive.
have something to show for it. Unfortunately, being busy is not being productive so you can be very busy and yet have nothing to show for it. You may be very busy and still broke, backward and regressive.
Lack of understanding of this situation is the reason many
become mentally depressed and begin to believe they have spiritual problem
hence consult spiritualist to help them solve their problem. The fact is that
many are obviously busy doing something but being busy is different from being
productive and life doesn’t reward hard work , life pays only for productivity.
It’s what is produced – the product or the service rendered that money is exchange
for, not some labour or activity.
May I ask you today, if you say you are very busy and hardly
get time, and then what is the product of your busy life? What are you working
hard at producing or generating that is so important that people will be will
to pay so much for? Is the purpose of your busy is what an employer or customer
will be willing to partner with? Is the one that will make your associates,
mate, friends, colleagues, and employer value, respect and appreciate you? What
are actually the reasons?
However, you may have reason but is that reason genuine and
important enough for you to work so hard all day? More than being busy are you
productive? Many of us might be wasting our God giving talent if what we are
doing is in no way tally with what we actually want in life.
If you actually make mark in life you have to review your
life and delete those things you do for weak and just pleasure reason. For
anything you do you must have enough reason.
Human being by nature, senses can influence us to just do
something. Therefore, a time we do things not because they are so important but
because we feel comfortable doing them.
That and some other reason we need motivation to say no to
what we feel and say a big yes to what is reasonable and productive. Human being by nature will like
lay down, relax and just expect everything to come into place automatically without
stress. Nobody wants to hustle or toil before making it, our being human is not
in support of that. But if we follow our feelings all the time, we will never
have something good accomplish in life and life will definitely punish us if we
follow our feelings.
The key to fulfilling life is to say no to every fleshy
desire and stick to things that are worth of doing. Dear friend, be honest and
true to yourself, why exactly do you do things that you do? Answer yourself
Ladies and gentlemen, what is the value of that friendship,
association, fellowship and what is the meaning of that relationship, how would
they enhance and profit your ambitions. Is there a connection between where you
are working now and what you will like to become ten years to come? Give your
life a meaningful definition, understand yourself, and know what you want out
of this life.
Once again ladies and gentlemen, let go of your fear and insecurities.
Remember, you only have just one life, don’t throw it away. Have a great day
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